Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sorry it's been so long!

I get on these kicks... and it drives me nuts really. I will get into doing something and be all about doing it and thinking about how fun it could be, etc., then just suddenly lose interest after a few days.

It comes and goes. I wonder if I have ADD with HFA or something, lol, but docs don't seem too concerned about it.

So, I apologize that it's been so long. I also think it partially has to do with the fact that I have quite a few really big interests, so they take priority over one another quite a bit.

1. Advocating, teaching others, and sharing my experiences with autism. That is definitely a big one-in fact, a few months ago I planned to write a book.... then I looked over and saw my craft stuff and stopped.

2. Crafting. Not just crafting, but Perler Bead art. I LOVE making things out of these little beads. Unfortunately, often I'm too busy making things out of them to clean up the mess I'm creating with them, lol. But I wind up with some pretty cool stuff! I made Zelda coasters for a friend of mine's wedding, with a nintendo controller case (also made out of beads). I've got some really big ones that I've found in various spots on the 'net over time that took a couple of hours each to make and well over 2,000 beads per, lol. I love the things.

3. World of Warcraft. One of the most addicting games out there, I swear... and it can be SO time consuming, lol. I try to limit myself, but it's hard when I find others to interact with because then I want to talk to them forever, haha. I guess it just goes to show how little of a social life I have in RL.

Online talking is so much easier... you don't have body language, facial expressions, or intonation to work with. If you don't get what someone is saying, or if they are joking, you can just ask and they are more than willing to explain what they mean. If you have a misunderstanding, it gets cleared up within minutes rather than the 3 day long grudge being held.... BUT, even with that, I do crave real life interaction at times, despite its downfalls when it comes to some things.

Anyway... so those of you who know I have kiddos are probably wondering "if your interests are that intense and you can't keep up with more than one thing at a time, then what about the kids?" Well... my daughter likes these things too, lol, and my son has HFA also, so he has his own stuff going on too. So it's really not bad!

Hmmm..... guess that is the end of my apology and over explaining of why I have not been blogging lately :P But I do have a question for you guys:

Do you notice when out in public, that people have seemed to lose their sense of morality? As in, they are just so self-absorbed, that they just blatantly don't seem to care what is going on around them. It's really bizarre!